How to improve drawing skills

I guess that the greatest struggle for every beginner in watercolor is creating a good drawing. The good thing is that there is a centuries-proved way to improve drawing skills.

Practice regularly

Drawing like every other skill requires practice, so try to draw every day, even if it's just for a few minutes. This will help you develop muscle memory and improve your hand-eye coordination. 

There are some radical techniques to improve drawing such as 50 sketches a day for 30 days but it is totally normal if you don’t have the will and energy for such a marathon. Find your own pace and make little steps every day. 

Study the basics

Learning the fundamentals of drawing, such as proportion, perspective, and shading, can help you create more realistic and dynamic drawings. Take some time to study these concepts and practice them in your drawings. Everything we draw consists of basic shapes: cube, sphere, cylinder. When you learn how to deal with them you’ll be able to draw literally everything. It’s kind of boring to learn but it's totally worth it! There are hundreds of youtube videos and books you can use for it. I would recommend starting with this one.

Observe and analyse

French artist Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres wrote that one should draw with the eyes when one can't draw with a pencil. Take time to observe the world around you, paying attention to the shapes, colors, and textures of objects. Analyse how light and shadow affect the way things look, and try to incorporate these observations into your drawings. 

Seek feedback

Getting feedback from other artists or instructors can help you identify areas where you need to improve and give you new ideas and techniques to try out.

Trace your own drawings

At the beginning don’t draw directly on watercolor paper. Use the cheapest paper for the drawing, erase and improve the mistakes with no pressure and then trace the result on nice watercolor paper. You’re awesome!